Nature Canada: Understanding and advancing nature-based climate solutions in your community
March 4, 2021 1-2 pm EST

For the first time in history, nature-based climate solutions are a core component of Canada's commitment to fight climate change, and it is not surprising. In fact, nature-based climate solutions can contribute significant greenhouse gas reductions needed to meet Canada’s climate goals. For these reasons, it is crucial that every jurisdiction in Canada have a climate change action plan that includes nature-based climate solutions. This ensures that climate plans are taking advantage of their surrounding natural areas to mitigate and adapt to climate change while also benefiting biodiversity.

In this webinar, participants will learn about ways nature-based climate solutions can be incorporated into climate plans, and how to advocate for their inclusion. We will discuss how local groups can get involved in the implementation of nature-based climate solutions in their communities. In addition, we will create a space to provide feedback on these ideas, and discuss the opportunities and challenges to advancing nature-based climate solutions in their local communities.

The recording will be available until May 4, 2021.

Please be sure to fill out Nature Canada's Nature-based Climate Solutions Program Form HERE.

Presentation Slides