Organizations across the globe in all sectors are grappling with how to best support workforces that may contain up to 4 different generations, as well as how to best support youth in organizational decision-making roles.

This sector priority will focus on supporting ENGOs to better engage youth staff and to foster effective intergenerational workforces, through two complementary programs.

ENGOs have significant work ahead to foster better intergenerational harmony in the workplace, support youth leadership development, and become truly welcoming and inclusive to youth. When it comes to intergenerational workforces, significant challenges exist to manage differing workplace expectations, culture, and ways of working. 

Youth-Friendly ENGOs

Youth-Friendly ENGOs stems from a program developed by Apathy is Boring that helps organizations better engage youth as key decision-makers and foster more youth-friendly working environments. For nearly 10 years, their Youth-Friendly Program has been offering services including brainstorms, audits, guides, workshops, and presentations to help organizations create more welcoming and inclusive spaces for youth. Their goal is to bridge the gap between the current approach and what needs to happen to get youth involved in a meaningful way.

Each year for the next three years Sustainability Network will facilitate A is B to deliver this annual cycle of training and support:

• A public webinar available to all
• An online series of three linked interactive workshops for ENGOs
• Three organizational audits from the ENGOs who complete the workshop series

Details and registration for the inaugural Youth-Friendly ENGO webinar are posted

Intergenerational Workplace

Intergenerational Workplace is designed to help ENGOs come to terms with managing the diverse needs, expectations, and ways of working of multiple generations to smooth organizational friction. This workplace challenge relates to the corporate sector, government organizations, as well as the non-profit sector. 

We are building out our relationships with qualified educators and service providers who are conversant on this topic, understand the sector and ENGO context, and can share workplace strategies to effectively deal with these challenges. 

Starting in mid-2024 we will hold 3-4 virtual workshops in the field of intergenerational workforces annually through 2026.

Vision2030 offerings will be posted
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